If it has been a while since you went to church or you are thinking of coming along for the first time, you may have some questions about ‘how we tick’. Hopefully these answers will help.

What should I wear?
Clothes….basically, whatever you feel comfortable in – jeans, shorts, a dress or a suit.

Where can I sit?
Anywhere you want – there are no ‘family pews’! In fact we don’t have pews at all. Our chairs are modern and padded for comfort. If you have any special requirements please speak to one of our stewards at the door and they will be very happy to help as best they can.

Do I have to give money?
No. we do have a free-will offering, but this is for the regular congregation to support the things we do.

Can I keep my child with me?
Of course, however we do have a crèche and children’s groups that we are sure your child would prefer to go to. If your child is at all anxious about going to these groups please let a Steward know and we will try and find another child of a similar age to your child so that they can go to the group together.

Are there baby changing facilities?
Yes, baby changing facilities are available in the Disabled toilet and a further “table” stored in the cupboard off the ladies toilets.

I am a breast feeding mother is there anywhere for me to feed my child?
You are of course welcome to feed your child where you are seated within the church, however if you would prefer a little more comfort. We have tub chairs in the foyer available for mum’s to feed in comfort whilst still being able to hear the service.

What disabilities do you cater for?
We aim to be as accessible as possible. We have an easy access wheelchair ramp at the large main entrance to the church and we have a modern disabled toilet. There is plenty of room and easy access throughout the church for wheelchairs so you can find a spot that is just right for you. The church has a loop system for those who find hearing a little difficult. Worship songs are projected onto a large screen at the front of church, but we also have songbooks available.

What about Covid precautions.

Please be aware that we have chosen to leave some of our Covid safety measures in place for your benefit. We would ask for your support with the following:

  • Maintain Covid-safe ventilation – windows will be open. Please do bring extra layers in the colder months.
  • Continue to encourage everyone to hand sanitise as they enter the building. Hand sanitiser is available throughout the building.
  • You are welcome to continue to wear a face covering, although this is not mandatory.
  • There is an area within the church where you can continue to socially distance yourself and family from others. Please speak to one of our stewards if you would like us to show you where you can find this area.
  • We will not be passing round an offering bag during our service. If you wish to make a donation towards the work of the church, please use the box provided which can be found in our foyer.
  • Continue to serve communion by dropping the bread into people’s hands, and holding the trays whilst people remove their own cup.

Our Policies can be viewed here