2 Sam. 12:1-13.
Speaking out about truth and justice needs wisdom and a right motivation. It’s easy simply to speak out of anger or resentment or self-interest. In most contexts, to speak up is potentially costly because you are calling someone on their actions. This is what being ‘a mouthpiece for truth and justice’ means – it reminds us all of who we are. It dethrones the powers that reduce us to less than we were created for and reminds us that there is so much more at stake.
King David is throwing away all that God can do with and through him. God works hard to get David’s attention. And Nathan is asked to be the courageous mouthpiece in the action. So Nathan tells his story – and when David gets on his arrogant high horse and demands justice be done, makes the courageous announcement: ‘you’re the man’. At that point he risks everything – because God had sent him