We have a number of Life Groups which meet at different times during the week. We believe our Life Groups are essential in the life of the Church and encourage everyone to be a part of the one that suits them. We are called to follow Jesus and Jesus spent His time with His friends- praying together and supporting one another. Going to a life group, gives you the opportunity to offer spiritual support to a group of friends as well as receiving support from them. You get a chance to openly discuss the Bible and to hear the views of other people trying to live their lives fruitfully. It enables you to be discipled and shaped into the person you are called to be.

We encourage people to go as often as they can and prioritise life group when other things come along. Committing to going every week creates stability for the group but we all know that it isn’t always possible. Sometimes, you get to the end of the day and feel too exhausted to go out but life groups are a time of spiritual and physical refreshment where a group of friends gather round the weary and lift them up.

There are groups on different evenings of the week and one in the daytime. All give time to pray for one another and to share about your week. One incorporates dance, another a meal open to the local community. Others are more traditional Bible studies. Have a read about our groups below and speak to us on a Sunday morning about joining a life group or email us on here to find out more.

Monday evening 7:45pm for tea, cake and a chat. Locations vary weekly around central/south Bromsgrove.

Thursday afternoon 2:00pm at the church for refreshments followed by a Bible study.

Thursday evening 7:30pm for breaking of bread followed by a meal open to the community and your friends. At 8:20 there is a Bible study. At the church building.

Our Policies can be viewed here