Everyone is welcome to join us for our Sunday morning service!

Refreshments are available before our morning service from 10am.

Morning worship begins at 10:30am and typically lasts for 60-90 minutes. Don’t worry if you are late, please come in anyway – we will always find you a seat. We do not have a ‘set pattern’ to our worship, as it varies from week to week, using the best of traditional and modern songs of worship.

Our aim is always to encourage people to encounter and experience God in the freedom of His Spirit. There is a crèche, and groups for young people most weeks, but on the first Sunday of each month the children and young people stay in for all-age worship.

Service / Sermons

If a service or just the sermon has been recorded or live-streamed, and it is within the last 3 months, you can listen to/see it here.

Please note that these sermons are provided for your personal use only. Further uploading, linking to other sites, or any other use is not permitted.

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