AllUpcoming20212022202320242025 Event Information: Fri24Dec2021 Christingle.4:30 pmBromsgrove Baptist ChurchPlease see details of how to book a seat via the Christmas at Church pageĀ or access the seat ordering form If you are human, leave this field blank.Yes Please ! I would like to come to the Christmas Eve Christingle EventNameContact Phone Number :Phone Number where you can be contacted in case of a query; or for NHS Track and Trace.Email :Used to send confirmation of seats.How many people will be in your party ?This is required so we can allocate the right number of seats and manage social distancing within the building.How did you hear about this event ?Church PosterSocial MediaWebsite DetailsInformation from a friendThis enables us to measure the effectiveness of our publicity.reCAPTCHA is required.Submit.