
Whilst Paul’s main reason for writing his letter to the Philippians was to thank them for the gift they’d sent him, he took the opportunity to say so much more! His opinion is very clear: no matter what your circumstances are (he was under house arrest in Rome at the time), you can always serve the Lord by speaking truth and grace; and live in such a way as to reflect Christ (chapter 1). His reasoning is very clear: we can all live with the same humility and attitude as Christ (2:1-11). Those two things together make His purpose for the church very clear: by being present where Christ’s humility and example are not already obvious will be transformational as the church brings light and hope into dark places (2:12-18).

Therefore, with his opinion, reason and purpose clearly stated, that leaves Paul wanting to encourage the church to get on with it! They are to have full confidence in Christ and nothing else (3:1-11); and maintain perseverance in the face of any opposition or persecution they might face (3:12-4:1).

When “Church Rebooted” is responded to fully, it will transform the world!