Alive in Christ

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Mission Update – Meninadança


Matt Roper will be with us to give a personal update on Meninadança from his own work in Brazil, as well as sharing news of the organisation and projects more generally. Stories shared will help us to learn more about how Meninadança is able to help the girls it supports to know that “It’s in […]

A case for miracles.


John, 5:1-15; 6:1-15; 6:16-25; 20:30 The Bible passages selected here are just by way of a few examples. Many others can be looked at, and as John asserts, “Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book”. But these are written that you may believe […]

Gospel witnesses.


Matt. 9:9-13; Mark. 8:22-30; Luke. 1:1-4; John. 1:1-9 “Sceptical scholars often compare the way the Bible’s accounts of Jesus were passed on, with the children’s telephone game, where children whisper a complicated message from one to another. In the process the message is corrupted, and at the end everyone has a good laugh. But how […]

Divine and Unique.


Phil. 2:5-11; Col. 1:15-23. Perhaps most of us rarely question the divinity and uniqueness of Jesus, but instead simply believe that He is because that’s what we’ve been told in church. What if He wasn’t? Would Christianity have enough to base its claims on to survive? Alistair McGrath asks “Is the idea that Jesus is […]

but who is He?


Luke 4:14-30; John 8:48-59. Who is Jesus? Who did he claim to be? What questions might we need to ask? What kind of evidence is there? Questions like this give us a good starting point for apologetics. Not only do we need to understand the kinds of questions about Jesus that people will ask, we […]