Judges 11.
Judges 11.
Judges 8.
Judges 6:1 – 7:8. Do we listen to God when things get tough, perhaps we ignore Him, but….. God shouts loudest when things are tough – Judges 6:1-6 God knows more than we do – Judges 6: 7 – 12 God’s power is what matters – Judges 7: 1 – 8
Judges Chapters 4 and 5. Link to service to follow when we have found it………….
Judges 3: 12 – 30.
Judges 2:6 to 3:11. Although the narrative is found in the seventh book in the Bible – Judges, these were people raised up by God to bring “deliverance” to the people of Israel. This period of history is like a see-saw where the Israelites would follow after the gods of the other 6 tribes left […]
Judges 1:1 to 2:9.
Luke 24: 1 – 53. The service live-stream stopped again so it is in two parts. We are trying to sort out why this has started to happen. Please bear with us while this is done. The sound is also not good on either of the two parts, due in some places to the distance […]
Luke 24: 1 – 53. The service live-stream stopped again so it is in two parts. We are trying to sort out why this has started to happen. Please bear with us while this is done. The sound is also not good on either of the two parts, due in some places to the distance […]
Matthew 4: 18-20, 28:18-20.