Ruth – a journey to restoration.

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Ruth – Hope restored.


Ruth 4. There is a moment in this chapter when it feels like the promise of hope is going to fail. Ruth’s rightful kinsman-redeemer will not meet his obligations, showing more concern for his own interests than in doing the right thing. Boaz stepped in and in doing so demonstrated the fullness of God’s ways […]

Ruth – Hope glimpsed.


Ruth 3. Naomi was under no sense of obligation to find Ruth a husband. Ruth was not obliged to follow Naomi’s plan. And Boaz was not obliged to become Ruth’s “kinsman-redeemer”. Yet, this chapter highlights the strength of integrity and purity, especially in the lives of Ruth & Boaz, that reflect the loving-kindness of God.

Ruth – a journey to restoration. Hope hidden.


Ruth 1. We are introduced to Ruth at a time of bereavement and fear for Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law. When Naomi decides to return home, alone, Ruth’s loyalty and faithfulness emerge. Ruth will not give up on Naomi in the face of adversity, but instead stays with her. Ruth’s actions reflect her saying to Naomi, “Don’t […]