Luke 9:1-10. What if Zacchaeus had been told NOT to climb trees? We need to stop drinking just milk and move to meat as well, no restrictions! Col 3:10 to 11 – All equal Isaiah 41:9 – Chosen / Picked / Supported by God to do His work.
Luke 9:1-10. What if Zacchaeus had been told NOT to climb trees? We need to stop drinking just milk and move to meat as well, no restrictions! Col 3:10 to 11 – All equal Isaiah 41:9 – Chosen / Picked / Supported by God to do His work.
Mark 11 to Mark 13. The key elements of discipleship. Prayer – Forgiveness (Mark 11:24) Knowing God and His word (Mark 12:24) Be watchful (Mark 12:38) Keep telling others about Jesus (Mark 13:10)
Mark 1 v 16 to Mark 2 v 22. Focus on Jesus calling the disciples to leave their old lives and begin a new life. Illustrated by healings, particularly Simon’s mother-in-law who began to serve after she was healed.
Galatians 3: 15 – 29. Promise and Purpose. All one in Jesus, all included wherever we are on the journey
John 20 v1-18. Mary is mentioned by name 14 times across all four gospels – personal recognition from Jesus and others. It was when she heard her name spoken from the mouth of Jesus that Mary realised it was Him. Power of the personal, spoken word. Her first thought and action after that personal encounter […]
Luke 2; John 19 25-27. Mary, the mother of Jesus. Present at Jesus’ first breath and final breath. She pondered the visitors to His birth and then heard the pain of Simeon’s prophecy and Jesus being left at the temple. Her faith was expressed at the first miracle, only to be rejected later along with […]
Joshua 3:1 – 4:24.
Joshua 1: 10-18. Shaped by God.
Luke 1:26 to Luke 2:20. Whilst being in the audience at a Nativity Service can be heart-warming as we experience a cuteness overload of small children retelling the Biblical narrative, that’s far from the reality of how things were when the birth of Jesus was announced. It wasn’t a time when most of the community […]
Zechariah Chaps 4 – 6. And so the visions keep coming! In chapter 4 (vision 5) the people of God are encouraged to keep going and rebuild, knowing that they have the resources to do what the Lord was asking of them. Chapter 5 (visions 6 & 7) explains that those who oppose the ways […]