Sermons by Jean Spencer

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The glory of reflecting Jesus.


1 Peter 2:11 to 3:7. Peter is very focused in this section on outwardly visible and transforming glory. That begins with the call for us to live “good lives”, especially when we are with unbelievers so that they will be drawn to faith by the ways that they can see God’s people living. He then […]

The joy of knowing Jesus.


1 Peter 1: 1-12 Very quickly in 1 Peter hope bursts into view! It’s described as “living hope” (1 Peter 1:3) and is set into the reality of life as something that, because of Jesus, will never fade. Peter reminds us that we are “shielded by God’s power” and because of that we can “greatly […]

All the difference in the world.


1 Peter 1:1–2. The church is a body of people gathering together and scattering out into the world. Despite being few, Christians can make a difference wherever they are, whatever they do, whoever they are. We are the church on mission – gathered and scattered – and we make all the difference in the world.

Jerusalem and history.


Acts 14: 23 – Acts 15: 29. Jerusalem has long been a key location in the life of the Hebrew faith, since David took it to be his capital city and the temple was built (and destroyed and built again). In the life of Jesus and the early church Jerusalem was very much the “power […]

A New Purpose.


Acts 1:8, Acts 9:1-31; 1 Corinthians 12. We describe our purpose as Bromsgrove Baptist Church like this: “Offering the transforming love of Jesus Christ in the realities of life”. For that to be possible, we ourselves first need to be renewed and transformed, and then as we come together in unity we can live out […]

Called to be generous and giving.


Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-37; Isaiah 58:1-14. The place of generous giving in the early church is one that we focus on so readily! One preacher (Paul Scanlon) describes the first three words of Acts 2:42 as “the three most powerful words ever written about the early church; at the same time they are perhaps the 3 […]

Called to be present.


Acts 5:12-39; Acts 8:1-8; Acts 17; Acts 25 We are called to be the presence of Jesus in the world around us, to serve the poor, the broken, the vulnerable and the lost (Acts 25). Whilst our Covid-19 lockdown has perhaps taught us new ways of staying connected with people, we also need to be […]

Rooted in prayer.


Acts 1:12-26. We can’t ignore or fail to notice the central place of prayer in the early church – it’s mentioned in almost all of the 28 chapters in Acts! Justin Welby once stated that “When we are retuned in prayer we are transformed so that we can transform the world”. That’s the purpose and […]

Clear in resurrection glory.


John 20: 19-31; Luke 24:13-49. Some of the disciples were quicker than others to believe and embrace the glory of Jesus’ resurrection. What made the difference was their personal encounters with their risen Lord and Saviour. Once they had experienced Jesus personally, faith was strengthened through the ways in which Jesus proved Himself to be […]

A declaration of triumph.


John 12: 12-19. As Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to begin His final journey to the cross, there were divided opinions in the crowd. These ranged from those who were genuinely welcoming their Messiah for who He truly was, to those who were anticipating more of a regular / earthly perspective of His kingship, and on […]