Sermons by Jean Spencer

7180 of 110 items

Open to God through Advent and Christmas – Searching.


John 1:29-34; Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:8-40 Poor shepherds left the security of the fields and followed the angels’ advice on where to find Christ the Lord. Old Simeon waited a lifetime, patiently searching through prayer and studying the Scriptures before he held Mary’s baby. Wise men studied the stars and travelled far before finding their […]

Open to God through being church – Living.


Psalm 119:9-11; Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 9:23-24; Romans 12:1-21 The goal of the Christian life is to become more like Jesus (see Romans 8:29), in thought, word and deed. So, what does it mean to walk in the way of Christ? What does a ‘Christian lifestyle’ look like? There are bound to be differences (between individuals […]

Yes, it’s Me.


Luke 24: 36-53. The unprecedented, sublime, enigmatic, paradoxical resurrection appearances of Christ continue to the end of Luke’s Gospel. Jesus appears among the disciples as if from nowhere and they panic. Surely, only a ghost could by-pass the need for an open door! However, this ‘ghost’ enjoys eating tilapia and invites the quivering disciples to […]

Live in union with Christ.


Colossians 2:6-23. Vs. 6-7 sum up all that’s gone before, so a good place to resume our study of Colossians. St. Paul goes on to explore further the theme of ‘dying with Christ’ in order to live for him. The implications are wide – not just for personal, moral conduct as we might assume but […]

Open to God in LIFE – The Big Picture.


Open to God in 2016 Open to God is the overarching theme for 2016, which we’re hoping to explore with an eye on our verse for the year: “My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you.” (Ephesians 1:18a, […]

What’s in a name?


Isaiah 62. These new names are given to God’s people as a body not as individuals. Through intercession, proclamation and service we’re called to share the overflowing compassion of God. So, why ‘Baptist’? Part 1. See attached link for video – here Part 2.  

An eye-opening journey.


Fourth in the series “Encountering more with Jesus”. Luke 24:18 – “Are you only a visitor to Jerusalem and do not know the things that have happened?”. For the two on the road to Emmaus, it wasn’t until Jesus sat with them at a table and broke bread that “their eyes were opened” (24:31). What […]

A life-transforming encounter.


Third in the series – Encountering more with Jesus. John 20:16a – Jesus said to her “Mary”. One word transformed Mary’s life from despair & loss (20:10-15), to joy through the experience of new life (20:16b-18). Have we heard Jesus call out our name, and then let our encounter with Him transform our future?