Sermons by Revd. Keith Judson

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How Long, O Lord ?


Isaiah 63: God’s people still long for deliverance. Uncomfortable images of judgement sit alongside reminders of God’s kindness and compassion here. How is judgement good news for everyone? Only through Jesus!

Keeping in shape.


Isaiah 58. Restoration, rebuilding on ancient foundations, a people on whom God’s light shines. Sounds good! But we need to reckon with His compassion and the needs of others, including those close to home.

You are what you worship.


Isaiah 57: There’s no escaping the fact that what we set our hearts on shapes our lives. Devotion to ‘idols’ leads to confusion and perversion, while worship of the true God cannot be separated from right living.

Final preparations.


Sixth in the series “Encountering more with Jesus”. Acts 1:8 – “And you will receive power… and you will be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth”. Jesus prepared His disciples well and equipped them fully when the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 2:1-13). Seeing, believing, recognising, receiving and living […]

Overcoming failure.


This is the sixth in the series “Encountering more with Jesus”. John 21:3 – “I’m going out to fish”. It is significant that it was Peter who seems to be the first disciple to go back to what he found his security in before meeting Jesus – fishing. Peter lived with a sense of failure […]

Encountering Jesus in our lives.


Second in the series “Encountering more with Jesus”. Our BMS Action Team will share with us some of the experiences they have had in Mizoram, India, over the last 6 months. How have they encountered Jesus in new ways in their own lives? How have they seen other people encountering Jesus in life-transforming ways?