Sermons and Live-streamed services. Only live-streamed services less than 3 months old will be visible. Please ask our administrator if you need access to earlier services.
Ruth Chapters 1 to 4.
Sermons and Live-streamed services. Only live-streamed services less than 3 months old will be visible. Please ask our administrator if you need access to earlier services.
Ruth Chapters 1 to 4.
Genesis 11:27 through to 25:10. New beginnings for Abraham and his family. Sermon written by Frank Law and read by Dr. David Law.
Ephesians 1: 3-14. I have received every spiritual blessing. I am deeply loved. I am highly valued. I am totally forgiven. I am a child of God. I am a temple of the Holy Spirit. I am a messenger of The King. I am the praise of His Glory. I am complete.
Matthew 2: 1 – 12a. (Esther is the current minister at Christ Church in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire. Christ Church is a Local Ecumenical Partnership – LEP)
Luke 1-2. Christmas morning celebration.
John 1: 1-13 Christingle Service.
Matthew 2: Have you found what you are looking for?
Isaiah 40. Preparation is everything; whether this is for our Christmas festivities at home or worshipping God this Christmas. How much time do we spend in preparation; do we Recognise the need, have a readiness to receive and actually receive the gift ?
Mark 4: 35 – 41. Do you know what it’s like to be rebuked with a question? It’s certainly something that Jesus did with surprising frequency. And there’s a fascinating example of this in the calming of the storm. Jesus and His disciples are sailing across a lake after a full day of teaching, when […]
Acts 2: 42 – 47.